Food Supply without Disruption says FSSAI
Shambhavi Sharma / 2021-05-05 06:25:10

Come to learn with a little introduction of FSSAI. This is a self-governing body that works to ensure food safety and regulations among India. This is a portion of the Indian government's Health ministry. This FSSAI was created under the FSSAI act 2006, and required for food safety supervision and principle among India.
The department issues the Food licences are of FSSAI for authority to edible market operators all over India. Various food business operators, such as retailers, distributors, and food store owners, must obtain an FSSAI licence. FSSAI registration is equally relevant for the business holder, so let's talk about the different types of FSSAI registrations and how they function.
FSSAI Direction to State
The (FSSAI) authority said on Tuesday that it has written to states to ensure that the food supply chain is not disrupted as a result of curfews and semi-lockdown in various cities of Indian states. As per the FSSAI department, food inspection and import clearance are essential facilities (FSSAI).
  • Routine inspections are not required, with the exception of high-risk products such as milk and meat. To ensure the posterity of operations the food business, the FSSAI said it has taken urgent decisions to secure the sustained food services/fulfilment at present COVID-19 outbreak.
  • The regulator said in a statement that it has written to all states to ensure that food supply chains are not disrupted and that regulatory enforcement standards are not an impediment to the activity of any food company.
  • According to the Authority, the offered services for Food import sourcing and checking is notified by  the laboratories (common and un-official essential services.
  • The food regulator has also released a directive allowing FBOs (food business operators) other than manufacturers to pro tem serve your market if they have received a valid and correct form of application for online registration of FSSAI as(FSSAI registration online).
  • This will allow for the rapid Logistics rations chain, go-down, small expansion stores, catering and food service establishments, and other facilities wherever they are required, according to the company. If a complete application has been submitted, new companies will begin operations.
  • This is a temporary relief measure; the license/registration must be obtained before the relaxation period ends. Manufacturers are permitted to expand their ability if they have received valid and correct / accurate license applications for FSSAI registration online.
  • The FSSAI stated that regular inspections are not necessary except in the case of high-risk food products such as slaughterhouses, products of milk, meat and meat products, milk and so on.
  • Food safety authorities may, however, perform inspections in limited circumstances based on risk profiling or in the event of a food emergency, incident, or complaint. Inspections can be performed using e-inspection wherever possible.
  • The 2020–21 return deadline has been Increased back to June 2021. There will be no penalty if a licence renewal application is filed late. These steps are in place until June 30 and will end on that date, the situation remiss to lockout, curfew, or containment at any venue, according to the statement.

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