Process to Claim the GST refund
Hemlata Khandenwa / 2020-04-30 06:30:46

A tax refund refers to any amount that is due or refunded to the taxpayer from the tax department. There are specific scenarios in which refunds are allowed and dealers can only claim tax refunds in these situations, such as over payment of taxes, the export of unused input tax credit on account of production supplies, and the output tax rate on inputs. But more than the tax rate (inverted duty structure) etc.

Now consider tax refund under GST

In the GST regime, the scenario where a tax refund is allowed is similar to the present regime. Following are common scenarios where refunds are allowed under GST:

  • Tax on inward supply of goods and / or services that have been exported or payments made on inputs or input services used in exported goods and / or services. Note that if the goods are subjected to export duty, no refund will be allowed.
  • Unused input tax credit or zero-rated supply due to output supply being exported.

The input tax credit issued due to the inverted duty structure is when the rate of tax on inputs is higher than the rate of tax on production supplies. In the current tax regime, it is not allowed to be refunded. However, in the GST regime, this scenario qualifies for the claim of a tax refund. Note that in this case, the refund does not apply when the supply is zero or completely discounted

Note: GST registration is mandatory to claim refund.

The return of excise Duty is allowed in the following cases:

  • Tax is paid on purchased goods that have been exported or on inputs used to manufacture exported goods.
  • Output supply is only due to export or zero-rated supply; the input tax credit is accumulated.

The return of VAT is allowed in the following cases:

The return of service Tax is allowed in the following cases:

Process of GST refund claim

To claim a refund under GST, follow the following steps: -
Go to GST portal
To get GST money back, you have to first go to the GST portal. And have to select the login option over there. To visit the GST portal, click on the link given here


After selecting the login option you have to login yourself. To log in, you have to fill the username, password, and captcha. After this, you click on the Login button. In this way, you will be logged on to the GST portal.

Select Services

After login, the dashboard page opens in front of you; here you have to select the Refund option. After selecting the Refund option you have to select the Application for Refund option.

Select Refund

After selecting the Application for Refund option, a box opens in front of you in which you have to select the type of refund. Here you have to select the option Refund of Excess Balance in Electronic Cash Ledger. And in front of it, there is a Create button on which you have to click.

Refund Payment Information

Once you select the Create button, a screen will appear in the Electronic Cash Ledger showing all balances that can be claimed as refunds. You can edit the refund claimed values in your refund claim account.

Fill account number

When you are satisfied with the refund table that you are getting the correct refund, and then save it, select the bank account from the drop-down below (in which you want the credit for the refund) and click 'Save'.

Select SUBMIT 

You select the Save button, an announcement box opens in front of you, and click on the checkbox there. And select the name of the 'authorized signatory' from the drop-down.
Click on 'SUBMIT / DSC' or type SUBMIT / EVC 'depending on the type of your organization.
To claim a refund under GST, follow the following steps: -

Go to GST portal

To get GST money back, you have to first go to the GST portal. And have to select the login option over there. To visit the GST portal, click on the link given here


After selecting the login option you have to login yourself. To log in, you have to fill the username, password, and captcha. After this, you click on the Login button. In this way, you will be logged on to the GST portal.

Select Services

After login, the dashboard page opens in front of you; here you have to select the Refund option. After selecting the Refund option you have to select the Application for Refund option.

Select Refund

After selecting the Application for Refund option, a box opens in front of you in which you have to select the type of refund. Here you have to select the option Refund of Excess Balance in Electronic Cash Ledger. And in front of it, there is a Create button on which you have to click.

Refund Payment Information

Once you select the Create button, a screen will appear in the Electronic Cash Ledger showing all balances that can be claimed as refunds. You can edit the refund claimed values in your refund claim account.

Fill account number

When you are satisfied with the refund table that you are getting the correct refund, and then save it, select the bank account from the drop-down below (in which you want the credit for the refund) and click 'Save'.

Select SUBMIT 

You select the Save button, an announcement box opens in front of you, and click on the checkbox there. And select the name of the 'authorized signatory' from the drop-down.

Click on 'SUBMIT / DSC' or type SUBMIT / EVC 'depending on the type of your organization.
VAT paid for purchasing exported goods

Additional input tax credit - In most cases, if the input tax credit exceeds the tax payable on sales in a month, the additional debt will be completed by the end of the financial year. At the end of the financial year, the dealer has the option to claim the money as a refund or to pursue the input tax credit.

Payment of additional service tax, where the additional payment cannot be adjusted against future tax liability.
When the input tax credit is used in providing output service, the service has been exported without paying tax.

If you need any help on GST Registration feel free to contact us +91 8766393412, Our Business adviser will clear your doubt.

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