Questions related to FSSAI Registration online
Hemlata khandelwal / 2021-03-24 10:56:23

Food Safety and Standards of India (FSSAI)

What is the Food Safety and Standards of India (FSSAI) Act?

FSSAI is responsible for setting standards of food. For the quality of the food, FSSAI examines the chemical, nutritional properties, food color, aroma, size, etc. used in any food. It is sold in the market by the sellers only after it is found to be correct in the investigation. Under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, the FSSAI definitely works to control food adulteration and ensure food safety.

What is the full name of FSSAI?

The full name of FSSAI is the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. This is called the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India FSSAI was started on 5 August 2008. It was used only according to the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. FSSAI was established with an aim to check the purity of food sold in the country.

There were many food-related acts in India, which were abolished after the arrival of FSSAI. The names of the abolished acts are as follows-

Food Addiction Act (1954), Fruit Products Order (1955), Meat Food Products Order (1973), Vegetable Oil Products (Control) Order, (1947), Edible Oil Packaging (Regulation) Order (1988), Solvent Extracted Oil,  D-omed Mail, and Edible Flour (Control) Order, (1967) and Milk and Milk Product Order (1992).

What are the functions of FSSAI?

Functions of FSSAI:

FSSAI has been established by the Government of India for the purposes of carrying out the following functions. The functions mentioned below are covered under FSSAI, which are as follows: -

  1. Setting Guidelines - The most important function of FSSAI is to formulate guidelines related to food items and ensure that the guidelines made by them are being followed in the country.
  2. Certification - The next most important job of FSSAI is to check the food made by food professionals and to make sure that it is eatable by the people. Certification is given if the food is found to be correct in the test.
  3. Establishment of the network - Establish an information network in your country so that common consumer, panchayats, etc.
  4. Training- Organizing training programs from time to time for those who are involved in the food business or for those who want to join. Through which they are given important information related to the food business.

It is necessary to get approval from FSSAI

The main function of FSSAI is to control food marketing, sales, storage, supply, and manufacturing. Any manufacturer must apply to FSSAI before selling their food items. After which FSSAI officials issue certificates to them on the basis of laboratory testing of food products. There is also a provision for strict legal action under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. FSSAI officials can file criminal cases against those who sell bad food items in public.

FSSAI product specification

FSSAI sets the criteria for the following food products and ensures that these products are produced under the guidelines laid down by them and are right for the health of the people.

  1.  Dairy products
  2. Oils and fats
  3. Fruit and vegetable products
  4.  Cereal products
  5. Meat products
  6. Fish products
  7. Sweets
  8.  Salts, spices, and related products
  9. Beverages

How to create an account for registration?

  1. Visit FSSAI official website:

To fill an FSSAI registration, you have to create an account on the FSSAI website. If you are already a user, you have to click on 'Existing user', enter the username and password there and enter the captcha and sign in.

If you are not already a user, click on Sign up.

  1. Click on Sign-up and register:

After clicking on sign up, an 'FBO sign up' form will open. Fill your details in it and click on 'Register'.

After clicking on Register, a new tab will open in which 'Account successfully created' will show. If you do not apply for FSSAI registration online till 30 days after creating the account, then your user ID is closed. Now you click on 'Click here.

What is the process of FSSAI Registration online?

Process of FSSAI Registration online:

Step 1: Visit the website:

Now you come back to the FSSAI home page. Now after going to the Existing user, after entering your user ID, password and captcha, a new page will open again.

 Step-2: Apply for registration:

Now click on food registration in this new open tab and click on the 'Apply for Registration' option.

Step 3: Click on Accept:

On clicking 'Apply for FSSAI Registration', an Undertaking option will appear. In which click on accept.

Step 4: Select state and choose yes or No

Now go to 'Select state' and select your state. After that, an option will come in which if you operate your business in more than one state, then click on 'Yes' otherwise click on 'No'. We will click on 'No'.

After that, choose the option according to the production in your business.

By clicking on 'No', the business production category will appear, if your category is not on the first page, then you can go to 'Other Business' and see the business category and select the option as per your choice.

Step-5 Click to apply

 After choosing its business category, a new page will open. In which a table will appear and in the last column, click the 'Apply to' option, click on it.

Step-6: Fill the details:

 There will now open 'Form A' which is for food registration. Fill your details in it. You can take food registration for 1 to 5 years, and then select the time accordingly. Upload your identity proof and fresh photos. In the declaration form, you can select the option of NOC by Municipal or NOC by Health or other documents.

After filling in all the details, click on 'Save and next' below.

Step-7: Save and Next:

After clicking 'Save and Next, a page will open. In which the option of print 'Form A' will come, click on it and sign the form and upload it and click on submit. You should note down your application reference number as it will be required.

Step-8 Make payment:

 It will now open a new page in which payment mode is selected and Rs. (whatever the fee) to be paid and click on submit.

Step-9 Note down the details:

 You will now come back to the home page of FSSAI where you will get the receipt of the filled application after entering your application reference number, password, and captcha.

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