Maternity Benefits under ESIC
Hemlata Khandenwal / 2020-05-26 07:49:53

What is ESIC maternity benefit?

Under Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Maternity benefit is a periodic payment to a pregnant woman due to miscarriage or conception, premature birth or miscarriage, or imprisonment. The maternity benefit rate will be equal to the standard benefit rate.

The payment of commission maternity benefit includes a "commission mother" (a woman who wants a child like a biological mother and wants to implant a fetus in another woman) and an insured woman who legally children up to the age of three months Adopt.

Maternity Benefit, 100% cash compensation of salary is paid by ESIC to the female employee insured during pregnancy. So that women employees do not suffer financial loss due to pregnancy.

Who gets ESIC maternity benefit?

The ESIC maturity benefit benefits all insured women (here, insured women mean, that women who have ESI registration) who are discharged from their work at the time of pregnancy, maternity benefits are paid for some time, 100% of the salary is paid in cash by ESIC compensation.

Which women are eligible for taking maternity benefits?

Women should have a minimum service of 9 months during which ESIC contribution has taken place. There should be 70 days ESIC contribution in the last 2 Consecutive periods (April to September / October to March).

How much do women get maternity benefits?

1. There will be a total benefit of 26 weeks in the case of normal delivery or miscarriage.
2. In this case, leave can be taken 8 weeks before delivery. But in total there will be a benefit of only 26 weeks.
3. If you have adopted a child legally and the child is less than 3 months of age, you will get 12 weeks of maternity benefit.
4. If there is a miscarriage before 26 weeks, then 6 weeks of maternity benefit will be given.
5. After pregnancy or during pregnancy, you will get 4 weeks of maternity benefit in case of sickness.
6. When the insured woman dies during pregnancy, her nominee will get the benefit.
7. Apart from this, if sufficient facility is not available for delivery to the nearest ESIC hospital, then a lump-sum benefit of? 5000 is also given by ESIC.

Also, read about the ESI relief for employees during unemployment

What is 'abortion' and for how long is the benefit acceptable?

'Abortion' means the removal of the contents of a pregnant uterus at any time during or before the 26th week of pregnancy, but does not include abortion, which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code.

Maternity benefit for abortion is for a period of 6 weeks (42 days) from the due date to fulfill the contributory status determined after the date of the abortion.

How many children does a woman get ESIC maternity benefit?

All of the above benefits are available only for the delivery of two live infants of a female employee, the third delivery gives a 12-week benefit and if one of the three deliveries is a miscarriage, a full 26-week benefit is given.

What is the disease arising out of pregnancy etc.? How long is maternity benefit acceptable?

Maternity benefit is for a period of one month, duly certified by an authorized medical officer, if a pregnant woman is required to undergo medical treatment and attendance and work due to illness resulting from pregnancy, abortion, premature delivery, or imprisonment.

How to claim for a maternity benefit?

You can claim for Maternity Benefit by submitting ESIC FORM 19 of ESIC to ESIC office. In a woman's death case, by submitting ESIC FORM-20 to ESIC office, the nominee can claim to get her benefit.

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